I had long hair in my teens but then got it chopped when I got married, and it's mostly been short since. I started getting sorta buzz cuts, with a #1 on the side fading into #2 on the top, and a little something left up front to put up with some gel. Kinda like a flat top, but not flat.

Last time I went to the barber he pissed me off and I walked out. The place I went to that day sucked! So I haven't been elsewhere since for like a year now! But since I wear a hat so often, and go out so little, I can get away with tiny trims by myself to keep away from the eyes and what not. Then just brush or comb it back and plop on a hat!

The shaving doesn't work, too lazy. The gray is hitting some hairs here and there on the top, but knock on wood, at last got all my hair and still very thick. And the beard, which I never really let get past this point now, is getting more and more gray with each shave.

And that brown spot just to the left of my left eye. If you remember, I thought something bit me years back. Kinda had a little pimple like thing that turned into something like you see above, then this. It's like a birth mark now, no texture to it or anything like that. Don't know what the F happened. I still blame one of those dirty ass little spiders!!

So for me this is long hair! Been nearly 30 years since I let it grow this long. And I actually had it like 12 inches longer!