Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
If they want to break from Royal life, it’s pretty hypocritical to use that very royal life to earn your money. Sorry, I just cannot respect their “eat your cake and have it too” attitude. If you’re going to walk away, really ​walk away.
In fact, the point of today's little 'summit' talks was to work out precisely the extent of if, or how, they WILL walk away. Nobody, before the discussion, had determined how that would play out.

I'd suggest that the decision is the Royal Family's to decide, and not for outsiders to judge.

Part of the sympathy I have for Harry and Meghan comes from just how little of their lives they've called their own. OK, you could argue that Meghan made her choice (.. though, did she fully understand what it was she was taking on ?). Harry, by contrast, up to now, has been saddled with duties, many of which that he only has because of the circumstances of his birth.

Harry can now make his own life .. actually be master of his own fate, for the first time.