Of course this 'gotcha' crap comes out now, as if it weren't planned. The Dems and their media will go apeshit, they finally got him.... if they don't find him guilty, the world will end.

I could be wrong, but I think it changes nothing. Other than maybe proving that much more that Joe and Son need to be on the stand under oath.


Bombshell or Stink Bomb? Dems Drooling Over Rachel Maddow 'Gotcha' Interview

The next name that is going to be on the lips of every pundit and talking head in Washington, D.C., is Lev Parnas, who went on the Rachel Maddow Show Wednesday night to allege that he was sent to Ukraine at the behest of Rudy Guiliani and President Trump to dig up dirt on the Bidens. This interview came on the very same day the impeachment articles were delivered to the Senate, and if you think that was an accident, I have a bridge to sell you. This is the October surprise delivered in January that everyone should have seen coming the minute Nancy Pelosi refused to turn over the articles of impeachment.

Parnas told Maddow, who appeared deeply concerned with her trademark furrowed brow, "President Trump knew exactly what was going on. He was aware of all of my movements. I wouldn't do anything without the consent of Rudy Guiliani or the president." This is in relation to the president trying to find out whatever the hell the Bidens were doing with a Ukrainian gas company. (Call me crazy, but I still want to get to the bottom of it too. It seems like it might be the American president's job to find out if an American vice president and his son are involved in corruption, but maybe that's just me.)

Everyone needs to watch this. This maybe the most damning interview of Trump’s presidency. #Maddow #LevSpeaks pic.twitter.com/sZtibWtjbH

— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) January 16, 2020
Parnas also alleges that Devin Nunes was involved in trying to dig up dirt on the Bidens (or, in other words, find out if they were breaking laws), which he thinks is unethical because Nunes was involved in the impeachment hearings investigating the president's conversation with President Zelensky. This is old news. There is nothing new here other than one more person with an allegation of quid pro quo that is not a crime, rather what we normally call "business as usual" in Washington, D.C. There was no money exchanged, no promise of money to be exchanged, and at least one witness the Democrats brought forward quoting the president as saying "I want nothing! I want no quid pro quo!" The actual bribery, if you're looking for some, was caught on tape when Joe Biden admitted to shaking down the president of Ukraine, demanding he fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma, the company paying Hunter Biden huge sums of money to have his name listed on the board, or they wouldn't get 1 BILLION dollars.

Joe Biden brags about how he threatened to pull $1 billion in loan guarantees from Ukraine if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

The prosecutor, who was fired, was leading a corruption investigation into a company that employed Biden's son, Hunter pic.twitter.com/xZd3vIMbuL

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) September 20, 2019
If the Bidens committed crimes or were involved in corruption in a foreign country, then it would be the business of every American lawmaker to find out, including Nunes. I still, for the life of me, can't figure out what the scandal is supposed to be, other than the Bidens are up to their elbows in a Ukrainian money jar. How is it the president's fault for wanting to find out what they were up to? According to Maddow fans on Twitter, though, this is the hat trick and Drumpf is toast.

Parnas nails Devin Nunes as being involved in the Ukraine effort to dig up a scandal on Joe Biden. Parnas met with Nunes at Trump's hotel. #Nunes #LevSpeaks #Maddow pic.twitter.com/GWEAZEaMRg

— PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) January 16, 2020
Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/bombshe...cha-interview/