CNN made it quite clear in this weeks debate that they prefer Warren over Sanders. They lead away with the sexist claim and the drama of whether or not he said a woman could never win. They listened to him deny the claim, and within 3 seconds claimed it happened anyway.

So they made their choice, and it instantly hurts Warren. I think, IMO, that this whole story doesn't seem right, and I think she isn't believed by everyone and this effort backfired.


The CNN Effect? Sanders Leads Biden in New Poll, Warren Fades Away

When CNN and the Warren campaign opened their attacks on Senator Bernie Sanders, they undoubtedly thought playing the sexist-card would destroy his chances of winning the Democrat Party's presidential nomination. Sadly for them, the attack seems to have little to no effect. It may even have backfired. Sanders is now leading among registered Democrats and Independents.


According to the latest Reuters/Ipsos national poll, Sanders leads former Vice President Biden by one percentage point: 20 percent for him versus 19 percent for Biden. This is truly a problem for the latter because his path to the nomination largely relies on his victory being "inevitable." Once voters start believing the race is actually wide open, he'll be in trouble.

Hilariously, Senator Elizabeth Warren is in deep doo-doo. According to the poll, she can now only count on 12 percent support. That's pathetic, especially considering Obama's support for her campaign and her willingness to play it extremely dirty.

Warren is trailed by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He's supported by 9 percent of registered Democrats and Independents.

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