A part of me kinda doesn't blame them from wanting to get out of the strict limelight style - to an extent. They will still be surely getting the limelight, and will likely end up making a ton of money on their own. I also read that Meghan is already worth about $7 million dollars. Prince Harry is apparently worth $30 million dollars, and another reliable site has him at $40 million. Either way, they don't need to ever work or make money again.

They can no longer use the HRH titles, as in "Her Royal Highness...". The sweet cottage they were in had like $3.1 million dollars worth of work to it for them, and apparently they will be paying that back. Not only that, they will be paying rent to stay there for now on. Of course they received a ton of funding/allowance, of which they will no longer get. Harry loses all of his titles, including 3 military titles, and also his Captain General of the Royal Marines. Any palace antiques or jewelry must be given back. They also received free security - no more.

She has now went from being a princess to one who is despised by half the world, blamed for harming the royal family and all it's been and meant for so many centuries. Even her own Dad spoke out about her and said she is demeaning to the royal family and history. This kind of information printed daily is what makes the hatred spread, right or wrong. She had a falling out with her Dad. Regardless of taking sides, she has completely ignored him and every attempt to contact her. That's family no matter what.

Also, has to be a reason why so many staffers around her quit. Without getting into all the rumors, supposedly she was difficult to deal with.

I don't know her, but I get a negative vibe about her. I can feel that arrogance about her, and her wanting attention and $$, trying to capitalize on her title. She wanted to perhaps start selling things with the Sussex names emblazoned all over them.

I think the Queen is likely devastated about her grandson and having to make quick and harsh decisions. But I think she's probably happy with ridding herself of Meghan.

I obviously can't vouch for what my 'opinion' of her is. And likely not the following either. But I read a LOT just like this over the past few years. Like I said, the way I see it is 'difficult'. This is just the opinion of a person commenting on a recent article.

Meghan Markle is rude to everyone, and this is not just her problem, it’s also a problem for the Royal Family. Time is now being spent, within the Palace walls, in trying to get to grips with her. This is why she is being ostracised by the Royals. The woman is causing mayhem!

Catherine had to tell her not to speak rudely to the staff. Then she was rude to Catherine at the fitting of Charlotte’s bridesmaid’s dress - which brought Catherine to tears.

She was rude to the people at St George’s Chapel when she couldn’t get her own way in having the use of air-fresheners.

Meghan has upset nannies, the Royal housekeeping staff, her PR people and her bodyguards. Many have walked out of their jobs because of her. Even workers at Wimbledon said her demands were unreasonable and that she was a nightmare.
Here is one from within an article:

In an attempt to clarify all the stories coming out of Kensington Palace, some royal-adjacent sources told Vanity Fair that there were a few stories they believed to be correct, one of which being that Markle's had been nicknamed "Monster Markle" for being "callous" towards staff.
Yet another one states that insiders at the palace call her "duchess difficult"

Then I saw "Hurricane Meghan" & "Bridezilla Meghan"!