I went to “the gym” last night with Russ, and did some exercise. It’s been a long time for me (he goes regularly), so I didn’t break any records or anything, lol. I did 5 miles on a recumbent bike, and about 20 repetitions on a machine that works on your arms. That was with just 20 lbs. I know, a real lightweight, lol. After that, I felt some chest discomfort and decided to stop. Since the heart attack, and the torn labrum and arthritis in the hip, this old mare ain’t what she used to be.

So, the key is to Keep. Going.

Any words of encouragement? My goal is to strengthen my heart, and leg and arm muscles, and lose some weight, in that order. In cardiac rehab, I almost exclusively did the recumbent bike. I’m afraid the treadmill is not gonna happen. I’m hoping not to get criticism of my choices. I know my body and what I can handle. Just some wisdom on how to stay motivated when it is a little scary and kind of hurts to go.