So, while not going crazy, just not taking chances with this virus. Even if like the flu, I would go out of my way to avoid that too. This one and the mortality rate is a little higher though. And with folks dropping in their 50's, and me being 51.... just not taking chances! LOL I think I'm fully healthy, had a full physical not long ago, so I guess I have that.

Anyway, started prepping everything as far as staying clean when going out. I have Purell in my truck for using and some paper towels. I have those real skin tight sterile gloves that doctors wear! I only have less than 100 though. But good thing....

As I do see we have a full bottle of lysol, nothing for my truck. And no disinfectant wipes. So I ventured out and just took care. But dang, 2 supermarkets and no signs of Lysol, Purell type gels or ANY thing really that says "disinfectant" on it! All gone. Dirty bastards. None on Amazon. Not unless you wanna pay retarded prices for no name brands from places charging then like $30 shipping! No thanks.

So if I must go out I can spray my truck every now and again. Nothing else besides that other than wearing the gloves. I guess I could wear one on my right hand for touching things and preserve more that way. And just toss them and wash up as well when I get home.

But I hope those wishing to at least clean things with disinfectant have it already!! Seems it just really can't be found. Probably some dirtbag bought them all and his hawking his shit on ebay!