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    Default Bad Things Happening Here...

    Almost don't know where to start... but, I guess it starts about a week ago when my Ma was having a hard time standing up, and she said she was in pain. So my younger sister took her to the clinic and they said she was having muscle spasm and needed physical therapy, so my sister took Ma to this nursing home / PT joint. It was an old crappy looking place and Ma didn't like being there either. Now it gets interesting... they gave her muscle relaxers to quiet down the muscle spasms, but apparently continued them even though the muscle spasms had ceased. So my sister wanted to get her out of there, we both did, so she talked with them and then they pulled their crap, they would recommend against it in her medical history and she could lose her Hamana ins and/or medicare because she needed a lift to stand and was at a "risk of falling," remember that... so, they're pumping her full of muscle relaxers, and she can't stand. Well, it just occurs to me that if they weren't giving her the muscle relaxers, SHE COULD STAND. So naturally I'm getting irritated and suspicious that this is a game they play. They get their hooks into some old person that's unfortunate enough to be taken there and they make sure there's some reason they CAN'T LEAVE, so they can MILK their ins and Medicare for as much as they can, and virtually THREATEN anyone who dare think of taking them out of there because they'll lose the ins. No, I don't trust ANYONE, but this kind of crap DOES go on. I'm not saying it DID, but it damn sure looks that way. ANYWAY... I get a call early this morning from my little sister, VERY excited, LIVID in fact, because Ma had FALLEN OUT OF BED and HIT her HEAD PRETTY BAD. Can you freakin' imagine? A 91 year old that this place had told us was "at a risk of falling because she couldn't stand," and they were feeding her muscle relaxers, and didn't have the presence of mind to make sure she had SIDE RAILS ON HER BED? You've got to be SHITTIN' me. So they rushed her to the hospital in town by ambulance and did a CAT scan on her and we're waiting for the results. My sister said she is with Ma now and she does appear to be talking and acting OK, BUT, by God, you HURT MY MOTHER, and I'm going to MAKE YOU HURT. This joint she was in bares FULL LIABILITY for EVERYTHING from the point where Ma fell out of the bed on. That's SHEAR NEGLIGENCE and STUPIDITY. So I have contacted one of the best personal injury attorneys I know of, Habush, Habush and Rottier, and they appear very interested in what has happened.

    That's about where we're at right now. Waiting for the test results and waiting for the attorney to call.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 03-06-2020 at 01:03 PM.

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