Quote Originally Posted by hjmick View Post
According to the CDC, right now their web page says there are 10,442 cases of COVID 19 in the U.S. with 150 deaths. That is a kill rate of 1.44%.

According to the CDC, right now their web page says there are between 36,000,000 and 55,000,000 flu cases in the U.S. with between 22,000 and 55,000 deaths. That is a kill rate of .061% and .108%.

COVID 19 is more deadly than the flu, it's in the numbers, numbers don't lie.

All things being equal, your chance of survival is better if you catch the flu...
I believe we need more truth and facts, which I don't believe they fully have yet. More tests!!!

I forget who it was on the radio a while back, and like he mentioned - while there may be obvious differences, and we don't know exact numbers yet due to small amounts of test kits - but no matter the numbers it's worse to have them BOTH floating around than just the usual flu!