Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
Bear in mind that the reduction in train numbers reduces the ability of passengers to usefully travel. If you looked at the photo, all you'll have seen is a picture that's typical of a rush hour where, normally, far more trains would be in the system. Under normal travel conditions, and normal numbers travelling, the rush hour would itself ensure that distancing was impossible. The point is that since far fewer people ARE travelling, putting more trains on, WOULD allow for distancing, where in normal times, it wouldn't.
I live in a state that isn't truly adhering to the stay at home. The schools and government offices are shuttered, but not most businesses with the exception of sit down restaurant service. National chains have closed in some cases, shuttering the malls for the most part, though they weren't the gathering places they used to be.

My daughter-in-law, a domestic cases attorney is working at home. Judges are too. The only in person meetings are when violence is involved and a party needs to be incarcerated. Even then, the DIL does not go to court, but is skyping. The judge and cops are there, as well as the defendant.

IL is serious about the stay at home, they are weeks behind NY.