Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
That's not exactly likely here ... any law or stricture carrying legal weight, surely couldn't be adopted, without first eradicating any law that would stand in its way ? That kind of action would create civil unrest, I'd think ... if anyone dared try it. Unfortunately, our politicians want votes. Any measure such as that would be a vote loser.

Civil unrest - in these, of all times, is the last thing we need (all you'd need was a crowd of protesters capable of breathing heavily ..).

I'm not even sure it'd work. Opponents would accuse anybody attacking anybody else on grounds having as their origin any form of religion, could be accused of doing so to promote their own, as 'superior' in essence to the one targeted .. which would surely defy the 1st Amendment, if we ever instituted it ourselves, since doesn't that Amendment guarantee parity of religions in the eyes of the law ?

With all due respect, if we ever did come up with our own first Amendment (not likely !) ... we'd have to frame it so that it wasn't open to that sort of challenge.
Oh, undoubtedly it would render many anti-free speech laws you have on the books invalid.

Honestly, it's such a natural thing for we Americans to say what we think that it's kind of mind boggling that other 'free' nations don't have that basic right.

I mean, there are limits to our Free Speech, such as yelling 'Fire!' in a theater or threatening the President's life or terrorist threats... but calling out the Mayor of London for being a Muslim bent on killing the very infidels he's supposed to be trying to protect would be perfectly legal.

Yeah, it would be a large undertaking for you, but I think it's the right thing to do.

Maybe now that you're free of the EU, you guys can discuss something like that.