This will be the result of a lack of ventilators.

Someone I thought posted, or I read somewhere, about a guy who made a device turning just one ventilator into 8 working devices for 8 beds. Perhaps someone can mass produce them as well?


US Hospitals Consider Do-Not-Resuscitate Laws for All COVID-19 Patients

US hospitals are considering “do-not-resuscitate” laws for all COVID-19 patients.

The hospital officials are citing that their staff is at high risk of getting exposed to the deadly virus as there is low supply of protective equipment.

Amid the coronavirus outbreak, hospitals in the United States are considering do-not-resuscitate orders for all the patients infected with COVID-19. The hospitals are citing that their staff is at high risk of getting exposed to the deadly virus as there is a low supply of protective equipment like masks and gloves.

The policy refers to doctors telling health care providers to not perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to restore the work of the heart and lungs when the patient stops breathing.

One such hospital is Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. The hospital is considering the policy for patients.

“It’s a major concern for everyone. This is something about which we have had lots of communication with families, and I think they are very aware of the grave circumstances,” Richard Wunderink, one of Northwestern’s intensive-care medical directors, told the Washington Post, adding that the hospital administrators will speak to Illinois Governor. J.B. Pritzker and ask him to clarify if state law would allow the changes in policy.