Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
Thanks for that.

Kath gives me the impression of seeking a basis for equivocation. In fact, no such basis exists. I believe there's a genuine lack of comprehension there of what exactly does drive a Leftie, and consequently what it makes them capable of.

I have to hope that such equivocation (or desire for same) is shared by as few people as possible, on our side. It's something the Left would love to exploit, and WILL, if they can.
I'm unsure why you would be put off by what I wrote, it was all true. Indeed, there was nothing there to disagree with from a conservative, as I don't believe that it's the business of schools to be feeding the kids, but it's the parents responsibility.

Heck I'm not keen on the whole food stamps idea, just not sure how to reverse something that now so many are dependent upon-which should sound very familiar to you. It's what socialism does, create dependence and control.