Quote Originally Posted by icansayit View Post
First time anyone has ever referred to me and my beliefs as communism. Then again. I should avoid mentioning that the VATICAN has a large collection of Billions of World dollars not mutually shared to rid the world of Hunger, Poverty, and Healthcare. EXCUSE me while I just STOP here.
What was Christ's message? Love. 'What you do to the least of my brother's, that you do unto me.'

Does the Vatican have lots of wealth? Yes. Much the same as monarch's and the legacies throughout Europe, no denying that. So do many of the mainstream religious leaders have personal wealth-not to mention the less considered tele-evangelists. As I said regarding this Pope or any religious leader, they are men-not gods. With the Catholic Church in particular, but not alone-take a peek at Episcopal, Methodist, Lutheran, those men often talk one way, live another.

Christ's message though, does not depend on one man, even a board of men-it's each person's personal responsibility. Are there those who follow the message perfectly? Some seem to, we often call them saints-at least those we hear of. Probably there are more, maybe even better at living that message that we never hear of? Good people, loving people. Still not gods though. Rare though they are.

I'm not implying that communism is good, but you may have noticed I prefaced it with 'pure' meaning perfect. How communism is purported to work, IF done correctly, which never has happened. It ignores the nature of most of us. Without goals, most don't work. If they can get what they need, that's good. Now add in the fact that no matter how hard one were to work, still nothing more than you need-which again is not how the economics work, just speaking of theoretical. Of course we haven't even addressed the 'unpure' practice of the system. Like Bernie's 3 houses or how Putin or Castro or any other 'communist' leader lives as opposed to the people.

Pure is theory. Actuality is what happens.