Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
At first I said that it's nature, it won't hurt Trump. I went back and forth, but once again underestimated the left and the MSM and others. The non-stop games and blaming. And the economy getting worse. And the left delaying things while folks suffer and they blame Trump. And yeps, he screws up himself adding to things.

I said a long time ago that they play the long game. Day after day after day after day of the MSM, accusations, blaming and other shenanigans. It never ends, no matter how wrong it may be at times. But chip away they go. And then BAM this thing hits America.

I know the Chinese are up to no good. And the left here would take advantage of that.
Take Trump out of the occasion. "A US President that bent China over the trade table for its unfair trade practices with the US (so we know it's a Republican anyway ), and a US Congress that chose to meddle in China's internal affairs (Hong Kong).

The US President flexed his muscle and China flexed back. Mighty coincidental "nature" or "accident" if you ask me. However, this IS a theory based on known fact. Unknown are the facts that fill in the blanks. There is not enough actual evidence to convict on this theory.

China's been hiding behind its smokescreen of bullshit and other "worse" countries getting all the MSM attention while it has done as it pleases in Asia and especially Africa.

Factor in Trump and the left/MSM/Dem blind hatred for the man and no matter how this comes out, he's going to be portrayed badly by the aforementioned even if he personally invented the "cure". The leftoid machine is going to try to use every bit of this to their advantage, especially, the inroads into our Constitutional Rights.

This however is a different topic from whether or not China is pulling a fast one. Or I should say intentionally pulling a fast one. Either way, China pulled off as good an attack on the US as I've ever seen. The question boils down to proving it was or was not intentional.