Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
Bzzzzzz, wrong again.

I couldn't care less what the leftist MSM has to say about wearing or not wearing masks. I don't believe shit from them. I certainly don't get my medical advice from politicians either. Nor any propaganda is involved in such a decision.
Thank you for your response Jimnyc. You responded to a discussion I began with Sassy in post 86 that is meant to be civilized discussion. I sense a subjective resentment of me in your reply, which I do not mind at all, but if you are interested in civilized and objective discussion, I welcome your input. On that note, I'd like to ask where exactly your masker position comes from, if it is not based upon political news and propaganda?

Why is it difficult to understand that folks all have their own rights on what to do?
I actually do understand that people have a right to wear masks, underwear, or whatever they want on their faces when walking about in society. I served my country to defend this freedom. I dont like to see people desecrate the flag or kneel for the national anthem, but I realize that people have the right to do things that I disagree with. I do not know why on earth you thought that I do not understand that people have the right to do things I dont like, and I do not even know why rights even got brought into the discussion, but I assure you that I understand our rights.

And that some know that certain masks will reduce the chances of breathing in the virus immensely? I think it's common sense that since we know masks will block the virus for the most part, and that chances of getting the virus are reduced by wearing one, that folks will wear it as common sense protection.
What we do know for sure is that masks absolutely do not filter out what is not there, and we do know that masks that are approved and designed to filter specific stuff out of the air that we breathe CAN work if they are used correctly AND the specific stuff is present. This information is factual and correct. Where it gets political is when the term "masks work", is used without the appropriate context to go with it. The perception that one is in an environment that really is contaminated with dangerous hazmat that needs to be filtered is based upon what news, information, or propaganda one consumes, which is why I assert that our choice to wear a mask or not is based upon political news and propaganda.

To make a mask some form of political decision is dumb, IMO.
This is where we agree. Unfortunately though, I believe we are right on this. It becomes a political decision when we base it upon what we have learned from political news and propaganda. What else do we have?

And then imagine some elderly folks or some folks with compromised immune systems, being told that wearing a mask won't help them and they shouldn't listen to the propaganda.
Being elderly or having a compromised immune system is not relevant to the facts about how masks work. Nobody should be arbitrarily telling them, with no regard or understanding of the missing context, that masks do or don't help them. As far as the propaganda goes, I would assert that everybody should read or watch as much of it as possible, but do not trust or believe any of it. It is the primary source of information, so it should be used as a tool to search for the truth. Again, it is not the actual truth, it is a tool that can and should be used to search for the truth.

The mask cannot work for them when there is nothing there for it to block, correct?
Correct. Close enough.

I don't think it's wise to discourage others from wearing one if they so choose.
It may or may not be wise to this, I do not know. I discourage people from wearing masks, but I do this for political reasons. I oppose the agenda of the Dems, the MSM, communist China, and lefties, and I know that they are all exploiting covid 19 to further their agenda that I oppose so strongly. I know they are pushing social distancing, mask wearing, lockdowns, while they attack my rights, so I resist and fight. That is my political agenda with masks and all things covid. My research shows that the crazy shit they are pushing because of covid 19 is not consistent with other comparable flu years in at least a hundred years.