Dumb commies. I wonder if they're ever going to figure out that every time they pull this kind of crap they're just feeding ammo to revolutionaries. Best way I know of to get someone to do something is tell them they can't.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:21 AM PT — Thursday, June 4, 2020

Officials in Hong Kong officially passed a controversial new national anthem law, which criminalizes any disrespect toward the song.
The passage of the law Thursday coincides with the commemoration of the 31st year since the Tiananmen Square massacre. Residents have said the new law is a major blow to the region’s struggling autonomy.

Two lawmakers even went so far as to throw liquid at the chamber during its passage of the legislation in condemnation of the Chinese Communist Party and its ban on any ceremonies acknowledging the Tiananmen Square protests.
“A murderous state stinks forever and what we did today is to remind the world that we should never forgive the Chinese Communist Party for killing its own people 31 years ago,” stated Eddie Chu, a Hong Kong opposition legislator.
Despite the ban, candlelight vigils have been taking place all across the region.