So they are expecting the largest protest yet on Saturday and Bowser wants additional law enforcement removed for the event. SHe IS an idiot, but I see this as nothing more than political posturing.

Using the one place the President IS in charge of as an example, no one has to guess how the President would handle rioters/looters in the States if so inclined.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:15 PM PT — Friday, June 5, 2020

President Trump took aim at D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser after she requested all additional federal law enforcement and military personnel to withdraw from the city.
“The incompetent mayor, whose budget is totally out of control and is constantly coming back for handouts, is now fighting with the National Guard, who saved her from great embarrassment,” the president wrote on Twitter.
According to him, if Mayor Bowser “doesn’t treat these men and women well, then we’ll bring in a different group.”

Bowser formally issued a plea to the president in a letter Friday, asking him to remove the “extraordinary federal law enforcement and military presence” from the city. The mayor claimed the protests have been peaceful and suggested the extra units are “inflaming” the demonstrations.
“There were zero arrests associated with the peaceful demonstrations that we had here in our city,” she said. “There was no damage to MPD property, there was no MPD injuries.”

In recent days, hundreds of National Guard troops have poured into D.C. to help bolster security for the White House and federal monuments. President Trump has touted the move as an example for states across the U.S.
“We need safety in our cities. When they don’t take care of it, we took care of it. In Washington, D.C., I said two days ago, this is the safest place on earth. We brought in incredible people, they took care of the situation very easily. It was very easy for them.” – Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States
Mayor Bowser has repeatedly challenged the president’s decision since. She argued he does not have the legal authority to make such a decision in her jurisdiction.
“Does the president have authority to request guard from other states?” she asked. “I have the authority to request guard from other states, I have not requested guard from any state.”
In addition to her formal letter to the president, reports stated Bowser has been making underground moves to remove law enforcement from the city. She’s reportedly planning to expel at least 1,200 National Guard members by cancelling their hotel accommodations.

GOP senators have spoken out against these plans. They have said, if these reports are true, Bowser is acting inappropriately and unpatriotically.
In a recent Twitter post, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) announced he will do “everything possible to push back against this outrage against the men and women of our National Guard.”
“The mayor of D.C. should thank them, not evict them,” he added.

The debate on extra law enforcement comes as officials predicted this Saturday will show the largest protest yet, with a potential to bring more violence and destruction to the nation’s capital.