One of the complaints from Hong Kongers in the Spring/Summer was, "Why is VOA for the CCP?" They were very aware that many Americans and some members of Congress were sympathizing with their goals, but VOA? Not at all.

Now there's some better news for those opposing brutal regimes:

June 5, 2020
Stunning explosion of cheers from Iran and China dissidents over booting of Obama holdovers at Voice of America
By Monica Showalter

President Trump was happy as heck at the news that Michael Pack, his choice for new director at the Voice of America, finally got confirmed by the Senate. It came as a sort of miracle, given the dirty, protracted battle from the Deep State's Obama holdovers to keep him out. It was so underhanded that it involved a last-ditch Kavanaugh-style bid to smear Pack as corrupt if for nothing else than to delay his Senate confirmation to eternity. It was the Deep State at its worst, and it failed. Now, what's probably the last solid Obama bastion of Deep State government has toppled.

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But if you want to know who's howlingly happy about this, maybe even happier than Trump, take a look at what the battered democratic freedom fighters in hellholes like China and Iran are saying about news of this U.S. government agency's change of leadership.

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