I think unfavorable news coverage of looters getting their heads smashed in and and shot by police is really all that's holding Trump back from instituting a swift crackdown, but he knows any violence that happens will replayed endlessly in the media, and will of course be blamed on him, and could hurt him in November. These looters are cowards though, i don't think they would be capable of launching much of a response, that was not in their planning at all.

Maybe the Insurrection Act would be better to use around election time, to supervise the state elections with some sort of federal presence. Assuming the riots and looting (and foot washings, LOL) are still ongoing next fall.

I wish everyone would just avoid the TV and the viral videos to avoid getting too stirred up by them. I refused to watch the Floyd video, and all the various cop killings and viral events. You don't run a country based on some stupid 30 second viral cell phone clip of someone doing something bad or stupid, it's absurd. And i refuse to watch them, that and cable news.