The Domino's folks lashing out is pretty comical. Long before anyone likely even knew who this woman is, she posts on Twitter that Domino's is better than NYC pizza. Never mind the fact that this is a retarded and incorrect statement.... And Domino's replied with a thank you to her for her comment. All good, right?

Nope. Now, 8 years later it comes back to haunt them. But folks thought it was recent. And of course Twitter then gets filled with the dumbest comments by leftist folks looking for reasons to cancel others.

The Aunt Jemima one makes a little more sense.


In 2012, Domino's Pizza Liked a Tweet from Kayleigh McEnany and Now They Must Be Canceled

Cancel culture has been ramping up. Even the warlord of Seattle’s CHAZ or CHOP or Wokedishu has been accused of homophobic tweets. Enterprising folks taking advantage of a weird cultural moment are scrolling through years-old social media posts to find proof of wrongthink. The latest victim? Domino’s Pizza. Really.

It appears eight years ago the pizza chain’s Twitter account responded to a tweet from President Trump’s current press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany.

Now, while I completely disagree with McEnany’s sentiment here as it is blasphemy, this was tweeted when she was about 24 years old. Looking at the replies you can see just how far Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) has gone and just how ridiculous tweet-mining can get:

Sadly, it appears these people are serious. It is a shame modern public education doesn’t encourage people to read for details or context, but maybe some mom and pop pizza joints are going to benefit from the Twitter mob canceling Domino’s.

McEnany has made quite an impression since she took her new job on April 7 of this year. She is smart, articulate, and well prepared. She also regularly makes mincemeat of members of the White House press corps by turning their previous statements and behavior around on them during press conferences.

This has made her nearly as polarizing as her boss. Either you are so disgusted by the reporters in these press briefings that you cheer and smile when McEnany owns them, or you long for the days of stuffy and staid Republicans who would never stoop to such brazen tactics.

As a member of the group that cheers some of the responses, this made me laugh out loud. I am not sure if MSNBC panelist, Lincoln Project leader, and recent Biden endorser Rick Wilson didn’t read for context, but he is certainly one that pines for the days of Romney and Bush:

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Quaker Foods to Rename ‘Aunt Jemima,’ Scrub Logo ‘to Make Progress Toward Racial Equality’

Quaker Foods, the company behind the “Aunt Jemima” brand of syrup and other breakfast foods, says it will rename this line of products and discontinue its label’s image of a black woman “to make progress toward racial equality.”

Aunt Jemima has been featured on these products for 130 years.

NBC reported on the development:

The picture has changed over time, and in recent years Quaker removed the “mammy” kerchief from the character to blunt growing criticism that the brand perpetuated a racist stereotype that dated to the days of slavery. But Quaker, a subsidiary of PepsiCo, said removing the image and name is part of an effort by the company “to make progress toward racial equality.”

“We recognize Aunt Jemima’s origins are based on a racial stereotype,” Kristin Kroepfl, vice president and chief marketing officer of Quaker Foods North America, said in a press release. “As we work to make progress toward racial equality through several initiatives, we also must take a hard look at our portfolio of brands and ensure they reflect our values and meet our consumers’ expectations.”

Kroepfl said the company has worked to “update” the brand to be “appropriate and respectful” but it realized the changes were insufficient.

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