Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
I don't know Pfleger.
But i'm always curious when people bring up CONCERN about "Black on Black" crime or gang related crime.
Personally i know Black churches and other Black civic groups and black businesses, activist and educators have worked on that issue for decades in various areas to various degrees of success. and little press.

But many repeatedly complain AS IF it's never addressed.

But here are the questions i have.
How many of the Blacks who beat and killed other innocent blacks were PAID, TRAINED and ARMED by local, state and federal gov'ts Kath?
Shouldn't there be a Higher standard of comparison for Professional police abuse/murder than to the abuses/murders by street criminals?
Aren't police paid to DO the opposite of Street Gangs?
If doctors abused and killed LESS than Gangs does that mean no one should try to get serious medical reform in place if we see over and over again Doctors on video harming/murdering people... often in poor ethnic areas?


Here's my problem, if the Churches and communities are constantly dealing with cleaning up the gangs why hasn't there been some movement? Hasn't been just this year or decade? Not quite sure why you are saying gangs are funded and trained by government, most shooting wild are under 17.

Your choice of pic? Spot on. The socioeconomic differences play a much larger role imo, than race.