Oh boy, so where in the world does this one go? Should be a fun ride, or so I hope so!

Word is, she plans on yapping and working with the FBI. So I would imagine that names will be named. And if she was actively helping Epstein "groom" girls and help fly them around the world, and to his "orgy island", and be with so many of the clientele - she will know a lot.

So, first question is whether or not she is suicidal. Of course wanting to talk to help herself doesn't sound like someone wanting to die and take info to the grave with them. But will she maybe have an accidental suicide? You know, like tripping and falling into a noose? Spontaneously combusting? Maybe she eats some cyanide she finds under her prison bed?

And if she talks, and her information is believable, or provable... Lots of names that may be sweating a tad, praying to the heavens that she does trip.

Prince Andrew is the most talked about, as one of the girls outright accused him of having sex with her, and he of course denies it.

And in addition, just the tip of the iceberg, to give you and idea of the importance of names:

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson
fmr. Maine Sen. George Mitchell
“numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister and other world leaders,” as well as noted lawyer Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor