The police are being pulled back in the nations largest cities. Cops are afraid to do too much for fear of getting arrested themselves. Twice as many criminals on the streets due to protests and rioting erupting, and those places are part of the pulling back. Of course this will only lead to an increase in crime. Sounds like common sense thinking to me, but that eludes the left and/or they simply don't care and/or they want chaos in the streets.


School and Church Closings, Anti-Police Movement Blow up U.S. Homicide Rate

Homicide rates have exploded by double digits and experts blame school and church closings alongside the anti-police movement, reports the Wall Street Journal.

The Wall Street Journal looked at America’s 50 biggest cities and found homicides are up an average of a whopping 24 percent across the board.

It is also worth noting, although the Journal tries to spin this as a bipartisan problem, that Democrats (including the “progressive” mayor of San Antonio who identifies as Independent) run seven of the top ten cities with the biggest jump in homicide rates.

Democrats also run all six of the tops six cities with the largest number of homicides, including Democrat-run Chicago, which the Journal notes is responsible for “more than one of every eight homicides.” The top six are Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Houston, Los Angeles, Dallas.

The experts the Journal spoke with laid the blame on the closing of schools and churches, and the left’s anti-police crusade.

“Lockdowns and recession also mean tensions are running high and streets have been emptied of eyes and ears on their communities. Some attribute the rise to an increase in gang violence,” the Journal reports, adding…

Schools let out young adults in March because of the pandemic and after-school activities largely stopped. Churches and other social institutions were restrained for the sake of social distancing. Police first were hit by coronavirus and then blowback in the neighborhoods they patrol after the killing in Minneapolis of George Floyd, a Black man, while in police custody.

“Gangs are built around structure and lack thereof,” said Jeff La Blue, a spokesman for the Fresno police department. “With schools being closed and a lot of different businesses being closed, the people that normally would have been involved in positive structures in their lives aren’t there.”
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