A few stations did this in the past. They don't like what he's got to say, so they cut in on his speech to claim something is "wrong, misleading or a lie". This coming from CNN, the biggest liars of all on the media circuit. Lies, omissions, anonymous sources...

Year after year, day after day - they deny any and all voter fraud exists. Voted ID and other things - and now the push for mail-in voting - which has endless proof of people cheating. From candidates themselves, dead people voting, multiple voting, fake votes...

I DO think that they want to see the economy suffer to reflect on Trump. Same with other chaos this election year.

Then speak of challenges and difficulty in the media business... how many times specifically did CNN cut in on for Biden and Harris?


CNN Cuts Off Trump RNC Speech for Brutal Fact Check Comparing President to Pontius Pilate: ‘Wrong, Misleading’ and ‘Outright Lies’

CNN cut off President Donald Trump’s Republican National Convention speech on Monday, branding his comments “wrong, misleading, or outright lies.”

As Trump ranted against mail-in voting, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s hearing before the House, and the RNC’s lack of cable news coverage, CNN cut off the speech before Anderson Cooper immediately began to strip it down.

“After vowing to have a positive convention, the president goes negative in its first moments. He started off falsely attacking mail-in voting. He’s continuing to attack mail-in voting as his postmaster general testifies that the attacks are ‘unhelpful.’ That’s his own postmaster general,” Cooper reacted. “He also criticized the media for airing the postmaster’s hearing instead of his roll call.”

“He falsely accused Democrats of wanting to shut down the country to hurt the economy and somehow help them at the ballot box. Unclear how angering the entire country by shutting down would help them at the ballot box,” he continued, before claiming, “It is sort of all the most recent greatest hits and false statements by the president and I imagine what we’re going to hear a lot this week from the president who clearly wants to be out front every single day.”

CNN Chief National Correspondent John King responded, “It underscores the challenge, Anderson, for us in the news business and really for people watching at home if you are a voter who has not decided — if you are a voter who is not firm in your decision — to watch the next four days, because this is a sad thing to say but a lot of what you just heard from the president of the United States is wrong, misleading, or outright lies.”

Rest - https://www.mediaite.com/tv/cnn-cuts...outright-lies/