Quote Originally Posted by waterrescuedude2000 View Post
They broke the laws coming here and as far as I am concerned they have no rights. That judge is a moron. He needs to be deported to mexico where he can live if he likes it so much I go down Wells avenue going to work and there is NOT ONE SIGN IN ENGLISH. They are all in spanish. Ok there is about 3 signs in english. But there are even billbords in Spanish. I am sick and tired of it. I got a bunch of rotten eggs buried for the next time they protest or riot. I will scatter them with the stench. Just can't hit them or its assault. But I can hit the ground around them. I also am going to take paintballs and extract the paint and inject concentrated wolf piss believe it or not you can buy concentrated wolf piss at garden shops.
The only rights they have is to remain silent and to be sent back to their home country