I consider this Presidential Election a huge blow to American democracy, not because Biden won the election, but because I consider the win to be entirely due to fraudulent voting.
Dems can say all they want that I don't have proof, and of course they can do their best to block anyone from looking for proof. But I do have proof that Dems did everything they could to allow fraudulent voting. When the Dems pushed to not require voter ID before someone votes, it's because they want fraudulent voting. When the Dems pushed to allow mail-in votes a week after the election with no postmark, it's because they want fraudulent voting. And when Dems pushed to not compare signatures on current ballots to the signature used the last time someone voted, it's because the Dems want fraudulent voting. They have "disenfranchised" the whole country with their orchestrated fraudulent voting.
Oh yeah, and one argument the Dems can never use when they deny fraudulent voting is to say that they are above that, or that they have too much integrity for that. We all know that nothing is beneath the Dems, and they have as much integrity as your average Antifa member when they are wearing a mask and sucker punching a grandma and her grandkids from behind when they are walking at a Trump rally.