Not a bad looking computer at all! A little dust inside to clean up but otherwise in great condition.

-It has the latest I-9 Intel processor in it
-2 SSD hard drives (I took one out last night to make backups on my main computer. The backs were immediate and need separate backups to make sure. That's the 2 pieces of duct tape you see. I onl;y did that to prevent cables from going through to back again)
-Liquid cooled & 5 additional fans to cool things down (built as a gaming machine)
-Latest Asus Strix card, designed for gaming (faster games and such)
-And of course a fantastic motherboard to support everything.

Very similar to mine but even better! An extremely quality build and done right. How do I know? I built it for him!! So I know it inside and out. Very expensive computer, and now it's mine for free free free!!


But I'm not too happy about the trade in. It saddens me in fact and I wouldn't have expected that.

I picked up my friend yesterday and he just sprung it on me. "Take my computer, have it" - he's leaving the country and likely not returning. So he gave me his computer - and is giving away a new queen size bed & 2 new dressers and a night table. Can't take anything - and he was leaving at 9am - and he went and is on his way already. Be in Paris in 8 hours and then 2 more to Algeria and that's it. Done, gone.

He was a PITA. Used and abused me at times. But I always gave him rides, loaned him money and was always there for him. Why he gave me his computer. But he was the only friend really I had here in NY in 22 years living in this home. Sad to see him go. Sucks in fact. I honestly didn't want it and tried to talk him out of it. But he said he was giving it someone else if I refused. Told him I was making backups and this and that to send him. And it's his if he changes his mind. I ain't mailing shit to Algeria!! But any other way, it's his. If not, I'll gladly use it and abuse that now!