Life Fled As I Sought Yet Another Day,
( verses born from the illusion of immortality, 1977)
Part One

As I went beyond that black veil,
Having trod this earth and seen hell,
I look back while daring to say,
" Life fled as I sought yet another day."

Yes, youth was fine in days of dust,
Love its great bounty sought, a must,
Little thought of the later pay
" Life fled as I sought yet another day."

World was a ride, its glory great,
Of its sweetest pleasures I ate,
I that went about my own way,
" Life fled as I sought yet another day."

I a warrior born by birth,
A child of heart, a child of earth,
A lone vagabond as they say
" Life fled as I sought yet another day."

A true joy, my shadow and I,
Wanderer beneath heavenly sky,
Hellbent to do just as I may,
" Life fled as I sought yet another day."

O' sweet future lay at my feet,
As I sought coming death to cheat,
Fate cried, " No more can you stay"
" Life fled as I sought yet another day."

As I went beyond that black veil,
Having trod this earth and seen hell,
I look back while daring to say,
" Life fled as I sought yet another day."

Robert J. Lindley, March 5th, 1977
Rhyme, ( To live, love and dream, a life )
Presented 1-13-2021

Note: deleted

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2021