I already had a lack of faith to an extent thus far with the vaccines. A lot of stories about the side effects. Now someone who got Covid after the 2nd shot. And then, how many more vaccines will be needed or altered down the line to adapt?


Rep. Stephen Lynch Tests Positive for COVID-19

U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-Mass., has tested positive for COVID-19, his office announced Friday.

Lynch, who had already received both doses of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine, was tested for the virus after a staff member in his Boston office tested positive earlier in the week. The congressman received his positive test Friday afternoon.

Lynch's office says that he did continue to follow COVID-19 safety protocols, such as social distancing and wearing a mask, even after receiving the vaccine.

A statement from Pfizer said that it can take seven days for protection from the second dose to kick in. However, the statement from Lynch's office said the congressman received the second dose vaccine before attending President Joe Biden's inauguration on Jan. 20, nine days before his positive test.

Lynch, who represents the state's 8th Congressional District, also tested negative for COVID-19 prior to the inauguration.

Rest - https://www.nbcboston.com/news/coron...id-19/2288818/

New clinical trials raise fears the coronavirus is learning how to resist vaccines

New data showing that two COVID-19 vaccines are far less effective in South Africa than in other places they were tested have heightened fears that the coronavirus is quickly finding ways to elude the world’s most powerful tools to contain it.

The U.S. company Novavax reported this week that although its vaccine was nearly 90% effective in clinical trials conducted in Britain, the figure fell to 49% in South Africa — and that nearly all the infections the company analyzed in South Africa involved the B.1.351 variant that emerged there late last year and has spread to the United States and at least 30 other countries.

Johnson & Johnson announced Friday that its new shot was 72% effective against preventing moderate or severe illness in the United States, compared with 66% in Latin America and 57% in South Africa.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/...040855671.html