We now know that "infrastructure" means basically whatever they want it to be. Roads, railways and more are part of the infrastructure. So are liberal studies, green new deal BS, paid leave & child care, caregiving for elderly or others, broadband, charging stations for cars, energy efficient federal buildings, electric vehicles, climate technology, education, computer chips, affordable housing, police accountability... and there is so much more - ALL labeled as infrastructure.

One woman actually said "Only men would be out here saying paid leave and child care isn't infrastructure.". Only us dumb 'ol inexperienced men...


Joe Biden Goes Global with $40 Trillion ‘Build Back Better for the World’ Infrastructure Plan

President Joe Biden will announce during talks with world leaders at the G7 summit on Saturday a global $40 trillion infrastructure plan to “Build Back Better for the World.”

During their meeting, World leaders at the G7 summit plan to meet about the importance of a “fair, sustainable, inclusive global economy,” including a discussion about China.

The White House previewed the initiative in a call with reporters, promoting a plan that would compete with China’s Belt and Road Initiative. (A White House official branded Biden’s Build Back Better for the World proposal as “B3W” as opposed to China’s “BRI.”)

“We’ve seen the Chinese government demonstrate a lack of transparency, poor environmental and labor standards, and a course of approach that’s left many countries worse off,” a senior official said.

Biden’s plan would offer a different option for the world, the official noted, competing with China by offering a plan with the “highest labor and environmental standards.”

“This is about providing an affirmative, positive, alternative vision for the world than that is presented by China and, in some similar ways but also in some different ways, Russia,” the official said.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2...tructure-plan/