Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
I guess the only "real" conservative media outlets are Fox and the New York Post.
Who reads the news to you?
Gee, this from the "conservative Fox News"

Fox's Shepard Smith: 'We're Having Trouble With Many People' Denying Global Warming
By Ken Shepherd | August 2, 2007 - 16:03 ET
(h/t Allahpundit of Hot Air)

Sounding more like ABC's Sam Champion or Al Gore than a "fair and balanced" news anchor, Fox's Shepard Smith slammed Americans in general and his studio audience in particular in a recent "Studio B" interview with a British man who swam at the North Pole as a global warming-related publicity stunt.

See the YouTube video below the fold. Here's an excerpt of the exchange:

SHEPARD SMITH, host: “It’s hard to believe this, but there are people watching us right now, and I’ll get e-mails from hundreds of them, who don’t think we have anything to do with this. They refuse to believe it. They believe that what’s happening is they want to try to tax us on our carbon eventually, and that this is all a conspiracy to get us.”LEWIS PUGH, man who swam at the North Pole: “Well, you know, that’s an unfortunate situation.”SMITH: “It is unfortunate, but it’s the truth, they believe it.”[…]SMITH: “I think the place where we’re having trouble with many people in this country, is convincing people them that it’s our fault. That it’s not just one of those things. How do we do that?”
Sounds like Shep should do his homework. Carbon taxes are not some loopy conspiracy, they're being batted around by the left as a policy response to "climate change."
