With all the good news coming out of Iraq, Dems are now backed into a corner. Now they say they need monumental progress in Iraq to give up their surrender plan

Now they say they Democrats need 'monumental' progress in Iraq
By S.A. Miller
August 3, 2007

Democrats, including the party's conservative "Blue Dogs," say it will take "monumental" improvement in Iraq — not the current blips of success — to sway them from pushing for a U.S. troop withdrawal after a September progress report.

"The military victories are just episodic," said Rep. Jane Harman, a hawkish California Democrat and chairman of the Homeland Security intelligence subcommittee.

"It is doubtful that there will be a silver bullet, or even a brass bullet, in this report that will turn this thing around."

Rep. Charlie Wilson, a freshman Democrat from a conservative blue-collar Ohio district, said he "would definitely need monumental proof, not just an isolated improvement."

The remarks echo the opinion of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, who aides say is "not willing to concede there are positive things to point to" in Iraq, despite recent upbeat assessments from Pentagon officials, House members who toured Iraq and even from a liberal Washington think tank.

The Democrats' antiwar base also will not budge, regardless of what is in the Sept. 15 report from Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker and Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, U.S. commander in Iraq.

"No matter what the Petraeus report says we will continue to call for the speedy and safe withdrawal of all U.S. troops," said Medea Benjamin, spokeswoman for the feminist antiwar group Code Pink.

The Democrat-led Congress continued to hammer the war issue yesterday, with a near party-line 229-194 House vote approving a bill that would limit time of troop deployments.

for the complete article

progress in Iraq