Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
Speaking frankly, I think I've mentioned several times that I think it may be to late to reverse the overall trend in a meaningful way..
To many people on all sides love big govt control & "solutions".AND the elite know how to play those tunes to consolidate their programs.

But God is not asleep or deaf and the "powers that be" are not omnipotent, so there's some hope. But its less than likely ...& too radical for many.
But Specifically on this ONE item,
before the disinfo board does anything, the courts and congress could start by making official denouncements of the" Disinformation board". Pointing out the inherent unconstitutionally. We the people can do the same. To Biden & our reps.
Congress should refuse to fund the whole DHS (in general) if the disinfo board is put in.
various Courts could preemptively issue injunctions or restraining orders of some kind on any "disinformation" activities And board members/employees. Penalize their access to internet like hackers & penalize their media output.
Next is actually electing some with a real constitutional mind set that would dismantle the board along w the other unconstitutional aspects of the dept of Homeland security.
Like the Roe v Wade ruling the Homeland security Dept... and several others are....ummm... operating outside of constitutional bounds and should be stripped of certain functions or shut down completely. Just Gone.

Those are a few things that come to mind on that ONE issue. I can't say they are perfect or likely responses but there's no need to wait until they "do something" that maybe triggers a limited court response.
Congress & the White House have ALREADY been exposed pressuring media companies to censor individuals and propagandize/LIE to the public on many issues.
The very idea of a govt disinformation board to further orchestrate that activity is unconstitutional (illegal) on its face.
Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
Then I'm not sure what we're arguing about. I decided a long time ago not to be a hair-on-fire poster and try to look at things logically while asking questions; sometimes it'll get you accused of being a contrarian and possibly a lefty by the ignorant. Anywho, we've got a conservative majority at SCOTUS, Republican majorities in most state houses and governorships, are poised to take control of Congress in 6 months, and should be able to win the White House in 2 years, 6 months. Things are looking pretty good if the right can avoid looking like the nutty left.
So I guess I still don't know what we're arguing about. We weren't too far apart. You type more than I do these days.

FWIW I was expecting a darkweb link to a pitchfork wholesaler.