Noteworthy that DeSantis called Trump combative. Not sure how he sees himself v Disney He is correct about Trump wanting to relitigate the 2020 election. I don't see why he can't see how much he has alienated himself to solely his disciples' support. Which ain't enough to win.

Personally, I find it annoying that because the Dems, MSM and US government say the election wasn't stolen that the vast majority are willing to go along rather than take any kind of stand that might put them in the bureaucracy's crosshairs.

No, I don't think it was stolen the way Trump does. He believes a crime was perpetrated against him personally to disenfranchise him. He lost the election as much as any chicanery stole it.

I have believed the system itself is rigged against the right. Take a good look at where we, and the Republican party stand right now.