Quote Originally Posted by Black Diamond View Post
I thought/ think there would be a day of reckoning because of this woke crap; that we'd be surpassed by Russia and china
Russia surprised me and everyone else with how inept their military is sans nukes. Unless putin is hustling a game a pool against the world which is becoming less and less likely.
With China it remains to be seen. Give it time i think
Putin gambled on no intervention from the West. He misjudged how much fear especially Eastern Europe still holds for Russia. The war itself is in Ukraine, but it is not about Ukraine solely. It's about "Who's next?" What many don't wish to recognize is Russia currently occupies about 20% of Georgia and has a good foothold in Syria.

After that, Putin is counting on the usual, weak Western resolve. Western regimes change, and with them goes politics. We have our own faction that thinks Ukraine is none of our business and wants out. If they gain control of the government and the majority of the party, the war changes overnight. I'll not go into how shortsighted that thinking is

I was as surprised as anyone at the state of the Russian military. Most of that is apparently due to corruption within the regime, with no one checking on them. For all intents and purposes, it has a 1980s era military. Russia does possess some advanced technology, but not the industry to support it.

This is however a typical Europe-style war going back centuries. Long, drawn-out static lines. The last war the US fought in such conditions without a coalition was the US Civil War. Unless you want to count the island-hopping against Japan, where the US fought under such conditions against the Japanese, but in limited fashion due to the limitations of the islands and constant Naval war surrounding them.