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    Default US Army Has Cook Shortage

    Truly is unconscionable:

    Army brass needs to get off their dufflebags and open some %&$#ing chow hallsBEEGE WELBORN 6:01 PM on August 10, 2023

    This is one of those stories that I was hesitant to write about, because it’s outrageous outrage ready…and those are usually the ones that bite you in the butt when you jump right on them.

    But I’ve gotten my independent confirmation from impeccable, on the scene sources, and I am snorting fire.

    This is – and has been – happening at Fort Cavazos, the former Fort Hood in Texas, and is unconscionable.

    Fort Cavazos Soldiers Have Been Without Proper Access to Food for Months

    One of the Army’s largest bases has been barely able to keep its food services up and running for months, according to soldiers stationed there and dining facility schedules reviewed by

    The situation at Fort Cavazos, Texas — previously known as Fort Hood — has left some junior enlisted with few options for meals, as top officials on base struggle to juggle logistics while most of its cooks are on deployments, missions or serving field training and other events.

    The base had only two of its 10 major dining options open every day for much of the summer, with three others open only during limited times. The closures forced many soldiers to drive long distances across base, sometimes an hour round trip for their meals.

    Guess what “many soldiers,” especially junior enlisted troops, don’t have?


    How are they eating? WHEN are they eating?

    Fort Cavazos is the third largest military base IN THE WORLD. The distances from point A to B, especially for those camps in the interior, are enormous.

    214,968 acres
    Fort Hood
    The second-largest state by both population and land size is home to the third-largest military base in the world. In terms of physical size, however, Fort Hood is 214,968 acres and is larger than even Fort Bragg.

    I was out there a year ago August when they dedicated a building at First Cav in our nephew’s name. The vastness is tangible. “Nothing” starts from the edge of the parking lot at what Marines would call Mainside, where your Exchange, schools, quarters, etc are. Boosh – straight out to desert and brown hillsides. There, helicopters were constantly putting out brush fires started by armor and artillery. Kind of surreal. It also didn’t help that it was 100°+, a constant wind blowing – sometimes howling, and you just gave up scraping the dust off.

    It’s pretty rough country and the soldiers who live and work there have enough to deal with as far as the environment goes – they shouldn’t be worried whether they can catch a ride to get fed.

    …But not all junior soldiers have vehicles, and the base provides only a limited shuttle service, with none dedicated to dining facilities. The service is so limited that some service members interviewed by didn’t even know it exists.

    Or if they manage to get to one of the two chow halls that are open, can they get through the lines in time to get back?

    Are commands making allowances for travel and congestion?

    The young PV2 we checked in with said both chow halls are slammed. He’s as junior as you can get – he’s not going to make waves if he’s starving. His NCOs and officers should be raising holy hell for him and the others.

    …”For months, one [dining facility] was open and was a more than 30-minute drive for my soldiers,” said one noncommissioned officer, who spoke to on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the press. “All the soldiers were going to that one. It’s unmanageable during the workday.”

    In some situations, the base posted conflicting schedules or confusing guidance on what meals were being provided at which dining facilities. One facility had a sign on the door stating that it was “closed for dinner,” but it didn’t note which specific days it was closed or days when other meals were not available.


    The official lines is “Ooo, we don’t have any cooks. They’re all on deployment.”

    You didn’t notice before you sent them all? What kind of Mickey Mouse outfits are on that base? What is the base CG (commanding general) doing, since this has been going on “for months” – it can’t be new to him? What is his excuse and where is his solution?

    …At the heart of the issue is the dining facilities not having enough Army cooks to run them. A rotation to the National Training Center, or NTC, and support for a cadet training exercise at Fort Knox, Kentucky, took many cooks off base.

    Dining facilities have been a key focus in the Army’s discussions on boosting the quality of life for soldiers.

    The Army’s response to being embarrassed directly contradicts what our PV2 has been saying about the state of the two chow halls open, while admitting there were only two chow halls open.

    What a crock of CYA.

    …Reached for comment by Fox News Digital, an Army spokesperson said the issues experienced at Fort Cavazos stemmed from “Combat Training Center rotations, operational deployments around the world, facility renovations, and support to Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Fort Cavazos was limited to running two Warrior Restaurants during the month of July.”

    However, the spokesperson stressed that “dining facilities available through July did not reach capacity and were well stocked throughout the month. Since August 1st Fort Cavazos has reopened multiple Warrior Restaurants on base. There are currently five opened facilities.”

    Instead of calling up Reserve unit cooks – who might well be more than glad to get activated, and whom another in-the-know source has assured us there are plenty available of – the Army’s brilliant solution is to let kids use their meal cards…at the Panera Bread, etc, franchises on base!

    OMG I’m gonna have a coronary.

    I cannot get over the fact that this has been allowed to fester for this long. I mean, it’s only feeding the soldiers.

    You know and I know a certain Army food blister who damn sure has never missed a meal.

    Fort Hood commander, Lt. Gen. Mark Milley, left, and Col. Viet Luong attend Luong's promotion ceremony, Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2014. Luong has become the first Vietnamese-American to reach
    There’s no excuse for this other than these corporate DEI loving, white rage hunting virtue signaling morons don’t give a flying frick about their troops.

    That’s all there is to it.

    WHY are veterans disgusted with today’s military?

    Let me count the ways…

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Default Fort Cavazos Soldiers Have Been Without Proper Access to Food for Months

    @Kathianne Rather than turn the other thread into this topic, found the following. Pretty much what your previously posted article states. Rather than a food issue, it's a manpower issue. That goes all the way to the Army isn't getting anywhere near its recruiting goal. Seriously, you've got to be seriously hard up to join the military given current political climate and the social crap being forced on military personnel. People can't get out fast enough and no one's replacing them.

    It's a serious issue. Referencing the Taiwan thread, if we had to go to a real war right now, government would have to draft. Only the Marine Corps has met recruiting mission.

    We faced shortages during the Clinton years because the government cut manpower while Clinton increased our operational tempo. That could also be part of the issue leading to cook shortages.

    It also raises the question of where are the civilian cooks? When the government was saving money in the 90s by cutting the military, the bait n switch was doing away with military cooks and replacing them with civilians at a much higher cost
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    @Kathianne Rather than turn the other thread into this topic, found the following. Pretty much what your previously posted article states. Rather than a food issue, it's a manpower issue. That goes all the way to the Army isn't getting anywhere near its recruiting goal. Seriously, you've got to be seriously hard up to join the military given current political climate and the social crap being forced on military personnel. People can't get out fast enough and no one's replacing them.

    It's a serious issue. Referencing the Taiwan thread, if we had to go to a real war right now, government would have to draft. Only the Marine Corps has met recruiting mission.

    We faced shortages during the Clinton years because the government cut manpower while Clinton increased our operational tempo. That could also be part of the issue leading to cook shortages.

    It also raises the question of where are the civilian cooks? When the government was saving money in the 90s by cutting the military, the bait n switch was doing away with military cooks and replacing them with civilians at a much higher cost
    At this moment there is a shortage of employees in the civilian and apparently military worlds.

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    Under the circumstances seems sending all the cooks elsewhere is plain stupid planning or lack thereog.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    Under the circumstances seems sending all the cooks elsewhere is plain stupid planning or lack thereog.
    You sort of have to know how the military operates. You have permanent personnel. You have deployments which are made up of personnel designated to be deployed which are mostly combat arms. They are augmented by base permanent personnel who do most of the support jobs.

    Base units are assigned quotas to fill those support positions for deployment. Base is not assigned extra personnel to fill those quotas. Base sucks it up. Deployment quotas have priority. To make it even wackier, when in port (not deployed), the combat units augment the permanent personnel for base. So if a unit deploys, it not only recoups it's temporarily assigned combat personnel filling base positions, but also takes the quotas for deployment levied against base.

    End result is when a unit assigned to your area/base deploys, you can end up with nothing but a skeleton crew to man the base positions. If you throw in some poor personnel management which is known to happen more often than not and you have the reason for the term FUBAR.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    @Kathianne Rather than turn the other thread into this topic, found the following. Pretty much what your previously posted article states. Rather than a food issue, it's a manpower issue. That goes all the way to the Army isn't getting anywhere near its recruiting goal. Seriously, you've got to be seriously hard up to join the military given current political climate and the social crap being forced on military personnel. People can't get out fast enough and no one's replacing them.

    It's a serious issue. Referencing the Taiwan thread, if we had to go to a real war right now, government would have to draft. Only the Marine Corps has met recruiting mission.

    We faced shortages during the Clinton years because the government cut manpower while Clinton increased our operational tempo. That could also be part of the issue leading to cook shortages.

    It also raises the question of where are the civilian cooks? When the government was saving money in the 90s by cutting the military, the bait n switch was doing away with military cooks and replacing them with civilians at a much higher cost
    That may embolden our enemies

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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Diamond View Post
    That may embolden our enemies
    Our military is neglected by both Dems and Republicans. Always has been. It hasn't been as underfunded, undermanned and under-maintained since the 1930s as it is now.

    Our enemies are well aware. As I've said in several threads, it's only our technology barely keeping the US's head above water at the moment. No one is afraid of a conventional, manpower war with us. If the US Army was manning a static front the way Ukraine is it would be flat run over.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Our military is neglected by both Dems and Republicans. Always has been. It hasn't been as underfunded, undermanned and under-maintained since the 1930s as it is now.

    Our enemies are well aware. As I've said in several threads, it's only our technology barely keeping the US's head above water at the moment. No one is afraid of a conventional, manpower war with us. If the US Army was manning a static front the way Ukraine is it would be flat run over.
    I thought/ think there would be a day of reckoning because of this woke crap; that we'd be surpassed by Russia and china
    Russia surprised me and everyone else with how inept their military is sans nukes. Unless putin is hustling a game a pool against the world which is becoming less and less likely.
    With China it remains to be seen. Give it time i think

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    @Kathianne Rather than turn the other thread into this topic, found the following. Pretty much what your previously posted article states. Rather than a food issue, it's a manpower issue. That goes all the way to the Army isn't getting anywhere near its recruiting goal. Seriously, you've got to be seriously hard up to join the military given current political climate and the social crap being forced on military personnel. People can't get out fast enough and no one's replacing them.

    It's a serious issue. Referencing the Taiwan thread, if we had to go to a real war right now, government would have to draft. Only the Marine Corps has met recruiting mission.

    We faced shortages during the Clinton years because the government cut manpower while Clinton increased our operational tempo. That could also be part of the issue leading to cook shortages.

    It also raises the question of where are the civilian cooks? When the government was saving money in the 90s by cutting the military, the bait n switch was doing away with military cooks and replacing them with civilians at a much higher cost

    we need more immigration!

    globalism now! globalism forever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Diamond View Post
    I thought/ think there would be a day of reckoning because of this woke crap; that we'd be surpassed by Russia and china
    Russia surprised me and everyone else with how inept their military is sans nukes. Unless putin is hustling a game a pool against the world which is becoming less and less likely.
    With China it remains to be seen. Give it time i think
    Putin gambled on no intervention from the West. He misjudged how much fear especially Eastern Europe still holds for Russia. The war itself is in Ukraine, but it is not about Ukraine solely. It's about "Who's next?" What many don't wish to recognize is Russia currently occupies about 20% of Georgia and has a good foothold in Syria.

    After that, Putin is counting on the usual, weak Western resolve. Western regimes change, and with them goes politics. We have our own faction that thinks Ukraine is none of our business and wants out. If they gain control of the government and the majority of the party, the war changes overnight. I'll not go into how shortsighted that thinking is

    I was as surprised as anyone at the state of the Russian military. Most of that is apparently due to corruption within the regime, with no one checking on them. For all intents and purposes, it has a 1980s era military. Russia does possess some advanced technology, but not the industry to support it.

    This is however a typical Europe-style war going back centuries. Long, drawn-out static lines. The last war the US fought in such conditions without a coalition was the US Civil War. Unless you want to count the island-hopping against Japan, where the US fought under such conditions against the Japanese, but in limited fashion due to the limitations of the islands and constant Naval war surrounding them.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Diamond View Post
    At this moment there is a shortage of employees in the civilian and apparently military worlds.
    We have a ton of migrants ... maybe give them a bed in the barracks in exchange for cooking.
    Last edited by SassyLady; 08-12-2023 at 02:08 PM.
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    Default Wanna know why?

    As the new generation insists..."I don't get paid enough for that...!"
    And if everybody has a Microwave in their room. Popcorn, Hot Pockets, And Frozen meals.
    All of the real cooks have their own restaurants...where the MONEY IS.
    I may be older than most. I may say things not everybody will like.
    But despite all of that. I will never lower myself to the level of Liars, Haters, Cheats, and Hypocrites.
    Philippians 4:13 I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me:

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    Quote Originally Posted by icansayit View Post
    As the new generation insists..."I don't get paid enough for that...!"
    And if everybody has a Microwave in their room. Popcorn, Hot Pockets, And Frozen meals.
    All of the real cooks have their own restaurants...where the MONEY IS.
    You brought it up @icansayit Time to sound like an old timer:

    If these crying pups (reservists being called to active duty after 9/11 saying I didn't sign up for this come to mind) living in their 2 man condos eating at chow halls with menus ever saw a quonset hut and or chow line where you just held out your tray and took what got slopped onto it (hopefully not splattering on your uniform before formation) they still wouldn't have shit to cry about.

    F*ck. During Desert Storm we got 2 (count them) MRE's a day and some unidentified liquid they claimed was water and it was 120 every day in the un-air conditioned desert. We all made height and weight standards next weigh-in, that's for damned sure

    And that ultimate POS Loser Austin is pansying their asses right up to get them killed. Cuz nobody gives a shit what your particular personal problem is on the line.

    This is the command's failure, but you can't tell me these knuckleheads that know how to make hooch from sugar and bread can't figure out a way to get fed?
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Default Right you are Gunny. Even we Old Swab Jockies had to fend too!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    You brought it up @icansayit Time to sound like an old timer:

    If these crying pups (reservists being called to active duty after 9/11 saying I didn't sign up for this come to mind) living in their 2 man condos eating at chow halls with menus ever saw a quonset hut and or chow line where you just held out your tray and took what got slopped onto it (hopefully not splattering on your uniform before formation) they still wouldn't have shit to cry about.

    F*ck. During Desert Storm we got 2 (count them) MRE's a day and some unidentified liquid they claimed was water and it was 120 every day in the un-air conditioned desert. We all made height and weight standards next weigh-in, that's for damned sure

    And that ultimate POS Loser Austin is pansying their asses right up to get them killed. Cuz nobody gives a shit what your particular personal problem is on the line.

    This is the command's failure, but you can't tell me these knuckleheads that know how to make hooch from sugar and bread can't figure out a way to get fed?
    I remember many times, even while at anchor, or at sea in the Persian Gulf. C-RATS were the delicious meals during G-Q. And when we were
    lucky...Two slices of bread with a slab of Some kind of so-called meat came with a can of Tab, or last all day.
    The wussies of today have no idea what they are doing, or how really lucky they are with the Air conditioning, and Treats to keep them happy.
    I may be older than most. I may say things not everybody will like.
    But despite all of that. I will never lower myself to the level of Liars, Haters, Cheats, and Hypocrites.
    Philippians 4:13 I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me:

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