Quote Originally Posted by icansayit View Post
Since you seem to believe YOU are now the one in charge here on D.P.
Personally. After trying to read your powerful rants, delivered to one other
specific member. I am really disappointed in what you have been presenting
I know. I know. What I say won't matter to you. After all...YOU are in charge!
The more I read, and dislike...reminds me of being back at one of the first
Debate boards I joined. Only to find how Unwelcome I was because I admitted
to not being a CLINTON, OBAMA, GORE, liberal, democrat sheeple.
SO they banned me there, because I couldn't help telling them the Truth.

You can take this any way you like. But I see no reason for any of us to
simply put up with the near childishness being displayed here at D.P. anymore.

IF you and fj are running all of this with nothing less than patronizing, name calling.
Bout time for both of you to join the D.N.C.

I'm outta here for now. That probably sounds really good to both of you.
Don't forget...not to eat yellow snow.

You could stay here and get my sixes.