Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
@Gunny Thought this was interesting. The writer sounds like my brother, when my son expressed doubts about becoming a police officer, after earning a degree with honors in criminology. My brother honestly said, "I wouldn't do it today. I loved all my years and the career has been good to me. My favorite years were on patrol and as juvenile detective, but the opportunities to help change things for people no longer are there for the most part. Discretion is gone. We react, don't prevent. Liability and transparency are all that matter, it's near impossible to be a great officer today."

I agree with your brother. I loved every minute (well, mostly ) of being a Marine. Then. I wouldn't hesitate if I could go back and do it all over again. Then.

Now? I would not recognize the Marine Corps nor it me. My leaders were Vietnam and Korean War combat vets. Today? Lloyd Austin. Screw that.

You couldn't pay me to be a police officer in current society. Can't enforce the law without fear of some unearned political retribution. Disrespecting the law and law enforcement is admirable. If your son still lives in Chicago and is considering it, he may as well paint a target on his back. If the criminals don't get you the politicians will.