Quote Originally Posted by disobey View Post
You are brainwashed through stupidity. You could even have a PhD in something and still be stupid. That is as far as knowing what the truth is. Would you like to know what the real truth is? (At least this aspect of it) Well here it is. Just think of just about anything you think is right or true. The exact opposite is almost certainly the case. There was somebody who even wrote a couple of books on the matter. They are called, "The Book Of General Ignorance: Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong."

For example, you may think that our system of government is a Democracy. But it isn't. It is more of a Plutocracy. Which is rule by the rich. But to put it more precisely, our system of government is actually a Kakistocracy. Which is rule by the incompetent and corrupt.

To that end, the ignorance of the American public is vital. The reason why is that the ignorant are easier to rule. Or to put it more precisely, easier to abuse. Obviously, our government is to blame for this. I will show you a meme of something said by the former director of the CIA named William Casey. What he said isn't an objective that began with him. And it still goes on. No doubt with the help of the NSA, FBI and other such government agencies. Here it is.

William Casey.jpg

Of course, there is no real solid PROOF that he said this. It only comes from the word of a witness at the meeting with president Reagan where it was supposedly said. There are other things that have probably been said that were so unpopular that coming up with real proof that they were said could possibly turn out deadly for the whistleblower. For example, it is said that LBJ once said, "I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years." There is also president Trump calling American war dead "suckers and losers."

Though when it comes to the CIA, there is one thing that there is plenty of proof for. Which is that for years they had been known to experiment on various means of achieving mind control. When it comes to doing that to the American public at large, nothing works better than stupidity. There is also a truism out there that was wrongly attributed to Samuel Clemens. But it is a truism none the less. It says, "It isn't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It is what you are sure of that just isn't so."
First thing I am going to ask you to do is star out the last letter of "that" word in your LBJ quote. It will not lose its content. We have African American members of this board. If you cannot bring yourself to do it out of respect for others, I can do it for you.

Second, is it that you believe you are above this brainwashing? I assure you that you are not. While it may be the intent of government to brainwash the masses into stupidity and sheep-like obedience, it does not mean that all allow themselves to be.