Most comparable of Nazi groups to Hamas-direct, hands on killing. Even then though, while looting was the norm, perhaps required, the types of Hamas atrocities seem missing. The following is how these murderers were made and rewarded:

From Einsatzgruppen to College Campusesby Cory Franklin

October 25, 2023

In late 1939 when World War II broke out, the Nazis mobilized machine gun units, known as Einsatzgruppen, whose purpose was to kill as many Jews (as well as political opponents) in Eastern Europe and the Western Soviet Union as quickly as possible. The death squads were not formally part of the German Wehrmacht, but the Nazis had no trouble lining up citizen conscripts, who would round up Jews and transport them to isolated areas. The victims were stripped of clothes and valuables before being machinegunned, often in front of friends and families, who were next up to be killed. After being shot, the Jews, including infants and the elderly, collapsed into mass graves they had been forced to dig themselves. The corpses were then machinegunned again to guarantee no survivors before the area was covered over. (SS Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler once visited a mass grave site during the killings and had to be taken away when he became physically ill after some brain matter splattered his SS boots.)

The Einsatzgruppen may have been responsible for as many as one and a half million murders, nearly one-third of the Jews killed in the Holocaust. The Germans, however, were nothing if not efficient. This method of mass killing ultimately required too much time, too many guns, bullets, and too much fuel for transportation as well as taking an emotional toll on the gunmen, who had to be paid high wages and plied with alcohol to motivate them to kill women and children. The Nazis progressed to small stationary gas chambers using piped-in carbon monoxide before graduating to transporting victims on trains to larger gas chambers in concentration camps and employing reliable, quick-acting cyanide gas.

But for all their feral evil, the Nazis tried to hide what they did.

I imagine it took little arm twisting to get the German soldiers to get drunk, but the most fervent of Muslims should have a problem with alcohol, so DRUG!

Hamas operatives were reportedly high on ‘poor man’s cocaine’: Know all about the synthetic drug CaptagonCaptagon, often referred to as the "poor man’s cocaine," is a powerful stimulant that induces feelings of calmness and indifference in its users.
Updated Oct 21, 2023, 2:36 PM IST

Hamas operatives were found to have used a synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant known as Captagon, as per reports
The investigation also shed light on the trafficking route of Captagon

It is reportedly moved through Turkey to reach consumer markets in the Arabian Peninsula

It has been revealed that individuals involved in the October 7 attacks on Israel, claimed to be Hamas terrorists, were found to have used a synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant known as Captagon, according to a recent report by the Jerusalem Post and Channel 12. This drug, which has been manufactured secretly across several southern European countries, is believed to have played a role in the attacks, according to the Israeli news agencies.

The investigation also shed light on the trafficking route of Captagon, as it is reportedly moved through Turkey to reach consumer markets in the Arabian Peninsula.

Captagon, often referred to as the "poor man’s cocaine," is a powerful stimulant that induces feelings of calmness and indifference in its users. It is known for keeping individuals highly alert for extended periods and suppressing their appetite.

According to the reports, the Hamas terrorists allegedly consumed Captagon before carrying out attacks on Israeli residents along the Gaza border and during a music festival concert on October 7.

This isn't the first time that Captagon has been associated with terrorist activities. The report points out that Islamic State terrorists used the same drug in 2015 to suppress fear before carrying out their own attacks. It's suggested that Lebanon and Syria have become significant producers and distributors of Captagon since the influence of ISIS has diminished.

The report also highlights that Captagon has gained popularity among individuals in Gaza City who are struggling with addiction. It's worth noting that Captagon belongs to the amphetamine family and has been used to address issues related to attention disorders, narcolepsy, and depression.

The cost of Captagon varies depending on the region. In poorer countries, it can be as inexpensive as a dollar or two per pill, while in wealthier nations, it can fetch up to $20 per pill.

The report further claims that the manufacturing and sale of Captagon has become a source of revenue generation for Syria and is allegedly aided by the Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah. A 2021 investigation by The New York Times revealed that individuals with ties to Syrian President Bashar Assad have established a thriving industry for the production of Captagon, with the production being overseen by Assad's brother.