Quote Originally Posted by SassyLady View Post
I suggest going to a gun shop that has a range so you can practice with several different ones to find what you are comfortable with.

I have a small .38 revolver as one of my carries but I don't use it for target practice. I use a .22 to practice. It's my warm up and then I switch to a 9mm which is my second carry.

I'm a member of Well Armed Woman and I've been through several training classes. What I hate the most about owning a gun is cleaning them.

I've used mine for killing rats and rattlesnakes. The first shot still startles me no matter how I'm using it. After that first shot everything settles in.

I agree with Gunny ... if you don't think you can use it to defend yourself better to not have it.
Depends on where you live. I know of only one range with a gun shop here. Not aware if they have "loaners". Never asked. Lots of gun shops and several ranges separately though. In 29 Palms, CA there was a gun shop with a range. That guy wasn't loaning jack even though half his inventory was used. I recall one in JAX, FL as well.

I view gun shop owners the same as car salesmen. Markup is Hell, and in a lot (not all) of cases, they're selling you what they move, not necessarily what you want, need or is best for you and or your situation.

People who shoot a lot usually own a .22 version of what they carry. I shoot what I have. If I lived further outside the city I'd probably have a .22 for varmints. Most of the varmints around here walk on 2 legs.

You'd have hated being in the Marine Corps back in the day. Weapons had to pass inspection weekly, anytime we weren't in the field. If you failed Friday inspection, you got to restand it Saturday morning. I hated being in the rear. My weapons are always clean. Not an especially enjoyable task, but dirty weapons can get you killed. That's irony I can do without