Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
Sorry. Had to go put my antibiotic eardrops in. I tried dancing around the totem pole and chanting but it didn't work on the infection. After all, what's an ear infection but a pain in the ear?

I'm up to snuff on my shots. Already had measles. If you want that "just a rash", feel free. I got enough scars.

All of which has nothing to do with non-medical people who get their information from conspiracy sites on the web pushing it on others as gospel.
And this is where you are wrong. My doctor is a trusted source and my info is not from a conspiracy site. You just can't admit that you jumped the minute you were told to and some of us didn't.

And, if you were truly up-to-date you would realize the CDC and WHO and all the other pandemic nut jobs lied. But you just can't accept it. Might be kinda scary to admit your Government lied to you. Good soldier.