Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
This is one thing I agree with Trump on, and I have said as much about entitlement programs since I had hair. There are plenty of cuts in the bureaucracy that can be made without touching entitlements. That being the key issue with the establishment response. He isn't threatening entitlements that I see. He's threatening the bureaucracy.

Establishment response is naturally aimed at the knee-jerk crowd that never reads past the headline. Can't even imagine what it will turn into on social media with all those "informed" folk

As far as the program itself goes, we've had this discussion in the past. I'll go for anything that doesn't penalize the generations that got caught up in the "retirement' notion. Regardless any arguments contrary, that is how it was sold.

I guess what bothers me the most about it besides the fact that it is a supplemental part of my income that I have invested in my entire working life, is simultaneously watching my military retirement benefits go the same way sand on a beach during a hurricane does. I get nothing close to what was "promised" and those that came after me get even less. People on government retirement programs are a captive audience subject to the whims to Congress looking for more money for itself with little to no voice.

When I make an agreement with someone, I keep my word. I expect nothing less. Antiquated notion. Especially when making a deal with what has turned out to be the Devil.
Complex issue. We have agreements and obligations to younger and yet to be born generations too. Personally, something has to be done to get people their money back, not going to be lump sum, but has to be on table. Then their needs to be way to care for those, that against all advice made no plans beyond SSI. Then there are those that never could care for selves.