Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
Remember Russia's fought all the various terrorist Groups in Syria. Beat them down with/for Assad.
(while we had been training some terrorist "rebels" to overthrow Assad) https://www.wnd.com/2014/06/official...Sj3aTpPGvQt.99

And sadly, It's the U.S. (& Israel) who have initiated/created, suppled & funded terrorist groups for decades.
then we turn around and fight them.
From Bin Laden to Hamas.

the U.S. state dept leadership has always thought using muslim extremist to destabilize "evil" dictators & regimes was a good idea.
From Kissinger, Brezinski nearly down the line.
U.S. Supported/Used Bin Laden against Russia in Afghanistan...
...ummm... they used muslim extremist against Russia in Afghanistan...
....ok wait a minute... I guess no one should go down that line of thinking.

America has "made some mistakes" but... --fill in the blank--
Way out of context and not even close to the truth.