Quote Originally Posted by avatar4321 View Post
First, a number of those children at home are already over 18. They could get jobs for themselves if they really had to.

Second, you seem to be ignoring the point where we actually fix the problem by showing her how to manage money in her life and how to self improve her situation. You know actually fix the problem rather than artificially raise the mimimum wage and fix absolutely nothing.
This is not just about this one person. This is about all the people who these programs are set up to help.

You either help them stay fed while you teach them or they will not be able to be taught.

No matter how you do it this will cost money.

The idea of spending money up front(just like in the commercial world) and then reap the benifits of saved money later.

That is what these programs are desiged for.

The other portions of the plan never gets voted in because to some people a momentary tax cut is more important than the education and school improvement that it would take to accomplish this.

If we really did what it would take to fix the problem we would be reaping the benifits of lower taxes and more revenue for the many many years.