Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
Gunny is quite correct. Stalin was a bit worse because he ruled a larger country and had more resources. Stalin was also more cunning and ruthless than Hitler.
Hitler delegated a lot of his more ruthless and sadistic work to others. Himmler was even sicker than Hitler in the way he despised people.
Stalin might be the most evil leader who ever lived. He trusted no one and was quick to anger. Stalin's gulags killed more people than Hitler's concentration camps. Fewer people know because they were not publicly exposed.

To me, neither Hitler or Stalin was as bad as Pol Pot. The Cambodian despot succeeded in destroying an entire country. It is estimated that as many as 40 percent of Cambodia's population died or fled the country during the reign of Pol Pot.

Not that any single individual was responsible, but the Japanese occupation of Asia during the 30's early 40's was fairly despotic as well.