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    Default A Cynical Opposition

    I don't expect much of the Democrats...Except to try and shove their socialist programs down our throats...And they will Never do anything to stand behind President Bush..They all have BDS so bad, they don't care if it hurts our country or our troops... I believe they are hoping for our failure in Iraq, just so they can say......See we told you Bush was a Bad President and us Democrats we're right all along....

    Democrats criticize Bush without taking any responsibility.

    Thursday, January 11, 2007 12:01 a.m. EST

    You might have thought President Bush's announcement yesterday that he intends to deploy several thousand more combat soldiers to Iraq would have been sweet policy vindication for the Democrats. They're the ones who spent the better part of the past four years using Eric Shinseki--the former Army Chief of Staff who, prior to the war, estimated it would take up to half a million troops to occupy the country--as a cudgel with which to beat this President over the head.

    Thus former House minority leader, now Speaker Nancy Pelosi, citing General Shinseki in May 2004, on "Meet the Press": "What I'm saying to you, [is] that we need more troops on the ground." Thus, too, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, just four weeks ago: "If it's for a surge--that is, for two or three months--and it's part of a program to get us out of there as indicated by this time next year, then, sure, I'll go along with it."

    Lately the Democrats have been singing from a different hymnal. In a letter Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi sent the President last week, they write: "Surging forces is a strategy that you have already tried and that has already failed. . . . Adding more combat troops will endanger more Americans and stretch our military capability to the breaking point for no strategic gain."

    As for Carl Levin, the new Senate Armed Forces Chairman was also one of those who used to call for more troops. But now he is threatening a legislative cap on the number of troops in Iraq if Mr. Bush doesn't start a significant drawdown of U.S. forces in Iraq later this year. We'll bet Mr. Levin never has the political nerve to follow through on anything but TV sound-bite criticism.

    Ostensibly, the Democratic complaint is that the Administration has failed to come up with a new strategy for Iraq. In fact, Mr. Bush says he is offering a qualitative departure from what the U.S. has attempted before. (See "Mission Baghdad.") The real question is whether the Democrats are prepared to act like a responsible opposition now that they control both houses of Congress, in contrast to the last four years of partisan minority sniping.
    On the evidence of the past week, the answer is no. On Tuesday, the Democrats announced they would hold a symbolic, nonbinding vote on the troop increase, without so much as hearing what the President has to say. The vote, says Senator Joe Biden, is an effort to "demonstrate to the President he's on his own." So much for presenting a united American face to the jihadis and insurgents killing our troops in Iraq. And this from someone who fancies himself Presidential-timber.

    Such a vote would be pure partisanship, and of an especially ugly sort. If Democrats seriously believe that a troop surge "will endanger more Americans," then there might be some moral justification in using Congress's power of the purse to cut off funds for the war. But as House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel candidly explained, "anytime, politically, you have to explain what you are saying, you have a problem. And so if I am there saying, 'Cut the funds for Iraq and the war in Iraq,' then someone is going to say, 'You are taking away rifles.' "

    So the Democrats want the political mileage of opposing the troop increase rhetorically. What they don't want is to take responsibility for their own policy choice. Meanwhile, their rhetoric will only serve to reassure the jihadis that sooner or later Democrats will force a U.S. withdrawal. It's enough to give a half-cheer to genuine Democratic isolationists, who have proposed legislation that would require the President to seek approval to fund additional troop increases. At least they're willing to go on record.

    Most reckless is the contention, also by Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi, that "it is time to bring the war to a close." No one serious--not even the Iraq Study Group--believes that the war will end if we leave. Instead, it will change into a civil war in Iraq, and perhaps a wider regional war, that is likely to draw our forces back in again somewhere in the Middle East. As the bipartisan ISG noted in its December report, "If we leave and Iraq descends into chaos, the long-range consequences could eventually require the United States to return."
    If Congressional Democrats want to be constructive, they can insist that Mr. Bush and his generals truly implement the strategy he is now endorsing. The path Democrats have followed in the minority and are now continuing will only make U.S. success harder--a truth the American people will come to understand, and resent.

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    Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Phoneys and liars.
    Last edited by Abbey Marie; 01-11-2007 at 02:39 PM.

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    Democrats would complain about the seating arrangements if they got a free lunch at a 5 star restaurant.

    I love how now they obtained more seats, and now they don't know what to do with themselves so much that they are already making HUGE mistakes, and all in the public eye.

    The elections were a wakeup call to conservative candidates. Good thing the dems only really have 2 years to prove themselves. They'll screw it up. Most of them have lost their minds enough to unintentionally sabotage their own plans. Maybe they will implode so badly, they will never recover.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzyKitten99 View Post
    Democrats would complain about the seating arrangements if they got a free lunch at a 5 star restaurant.

    I love how now they obtained more seats, and now they don't know what to do with themselves so much that they are already making HUGE mistakes, and all in the public eye.

    The elections were a wakeup call to conservative candidates. Good thing the dems only really have 2 years to prove themselves. They'll screw it up. Most of them have lost their minds enough to unintentionally sabotage their own plans. Maybe they will implode so badly, they will never recover.
    We can only hope.
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    The Dems. are so splintered today and have been for quite sometime...That's why I always say, their not the Democrats of old...

    Theres so many wacky groups within the Dems, the socialist, communist, environmentalist, and so on...They just can't stay together...

    They are a dangerous party today.....

    They will destroy this country and our freedoms...

    I truly believe their ONE GOAL is Socialism....

    So they can get the people to depend on them, the Gods who give....And then they can Stay in power, FOREVER...

    Call Me Crazy if you like...

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