Quote Originally Posted by Roomy View Post
I found myself unemployed many years ago with four small children a wife and a mortgage, I am thankful that the welfare state in britain is more forgiving than that here.<b>I worked my way out of the hole I found myself in</b>, some are never quite so fortunate.If this lady was not working at all and failing to contribute anything toward the upkeep of her family I might(might) agree with you depending upon the circumstances, as it is she goes to work, what is your problem other than the amount of kids she has?
There, my dear, is the key. You worked your way out of it. You didn't continue to make stupid decision on top of stupid decision, and THAT is the key to overcoming obstacles.

Is there any logic that you can see to her having the 4 dogs?

She works 6 hour days - that leaves another 2-6 hours a day she could be working at a second job, or looking for a BETTER job. Obviously time with her kids isn't an issue, since the job she does have has her away from home when they're around, and at home when they're not.

Probably one of the only comments I disagree with Roo's take on is the hot dog comment. They're cheap as hell, so why not buy them? It DOES cost more money to make healthier food choices. But, going to an actual grocery store instead of a convenience store will offset some of that cost.