Quote Originally Posted by Birdzeye View Post
I agree. I'd also like to add that everyone should consider that, there but for the grace of God go I. You can work your butt off, make life comfortable for yourself and your family, and then lose everything in a strong hurricane like the people on the gulf coast. Or, you could get laid off in the middle of a recession and have difficulty finding another job - any job (been there, done that, no fun).

That's only partially true. If I lost my job tomorrow, I'd have a good cry on Thursday. On Friday I'd start looking for work. Within a week or two I'd HAVE work - maybe not what I wanted to do, but something I 'could' do. My wife would also find employment. I bet between the two of us, doing odd-jobs even (Cleaning office buildings, delivering newspapers, etc) we could make as much or MORE than I do now, as the sole bread-winner. We'd definitely have to work HARDER...but again, nobody said life should be anything but hard.

Nobody lost 'everything' from the hurricane as long as they had their wits, their health, and proper motivation to FIX things.